为严防疫情输入风险,坚决守住不发生规模性疫猜型情的底线,营造安全稳定社会环境,自2022年9月11日24时至10月31日24时,石家庄市实施以下防控措施: 对7天内有疫情所在县(市、区、旗)旅居史的抵石人员,来自高风险区的,实行7天集中隔离; 来自中风险区的,实行7天居家隔离; 其他人员组织开展3天两次核酸检测(间隔24小时以上)。 若疫情发生地已实施大范围社区管控措施,参照中风险区旅居史人员的防控要求采取相应措施。对不具备居家隔离条件的,实行集中隔离。 最新隔离/核酸政策要求: (一)高风险区旅居史人员健康管理服务。在7天内有高风险区旅居史人员,确需返石的,请主动配合“7天集中隔离”措施,并在第1、2、3、5、7天接受核酸检测。 (二)中风唯兆桐险区旅居史人员健康管理服务。在7天内有中风险区旅居史人员,确需返石的,请主动配合“7天居家隔离医学观察”措施,并在指坦第1、4、7天接受核酸检测;如不具备居家隔离医学观察条件,需接受7天集中隔离措施。管理期限自离开风险区域算起。 (三)入境人员健康管理服务。在第一入境点完成“7天集中隔离+3天居家健康监测”的入境人员,返石后不再进行健康管理服务。在第一入境点隔离时间不足10天的,请在第一入境点解除隔离48小时前,告知目的地社区(村),入石后要补足10天管理措施。返程途中尽量优先选择专人专车或直达火车、航班,不要在中途逗留,全程佩戴N95(KN95)防护口罩、严格做好个人防护,由专车“点对点”闭环接回(引导返回),居家健康监测期间不外出。
2021年11月最新外国人入境中国政策Due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 in the beginning of last year, the Chinese government had issued a series of restrictive temporary policies aimed to effectively prevent imported cases. With increasing population vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and the effective control of the pandemic in some countries and regions, these restrictive policies have been adjusted and liberalized recently. In this issue we are gathering some of your core concern and provide our interpretation (take shanghai as an example)从去年初开始,随着全球新冠疫情的爆发,为有效防范境外疫情输入性风险,中国政府有关部门陆续出台了一系列的限枣判制性临时政策。随着新冠疫苗接种人群的增加和悔岩历一些国家地区对疫情的有效控制,近期这些限制性政策也有所调整和放开,结合目前大家比较关心的几个问题,我们为您做一个解答(以上海地区为例):Q1Started from last March, if foreign expats’ visa or residence permit was expired when he/she was in China, the visa or residence permit could be granted a 60-day automatic extension without submitting the extension application to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau. Is this policy still valid now?去年3月出台的“在华外籍人所持签证或停居留许可到期后可自动顺延60天,无需办理延期手续”的政策现在是否还有效?A1:Recently we have learnt from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Municipal that this policy will not be applicable any more. The applicants should submit his/her visa extension application to the local Exit-Entry Administration Bureau before its expiry.我们日前从上海市出入境管理局碧搜了解到,目前这个政策已经不再适用。所以已在华的外籍人签证到期前务必要提前去出入境办理延期手续。Q2Does an Invitation Letter required when an applicant apply for a Chinese visa for business or work now?现在外国人来华进行商务访问或是来华工作还需要先在境内申请邀请函吗?A2:Yes, based on the current immigration policy, foreign expats who want to come to China for economy and trade or technology activities will need to obtain a PU Invitation Letter (issued by the Foreign Affairs Offices or the relevant competent authorities)to support their visa application. For those who want to come to China for work, besides the PU letter, they also need to provide valid Work Permit or the Notification Letter of Work Permit for their visa application.是的,根据去年的政策要求,从事经贸、科技等活动的外国人需要凭中国境内政府机关(一般为各省市外办)签发的邀请函(PU邀请函)到境外的中国使、领馆申请新的商务签证后才能来华; 而首次来华工作的外国人需要凭《工作许可通知》或居留许可已过期的外国人凭有效的《工作许可证》和PU邀请函到境外的中国使、领馆申请新的工作签证后才能来华。Remark1.From March 15, several Chinese Embassies/Consulates announced an notice on Visa Facilitation for Applicants Inoculated with COVID-19 Vaccines Produced in China, stated that foreign nationals and their family members visiting the mainland of China for resuming work and production in various fields need only to provide the documents required before the COVID-19 pandemic when applying for a visa if they have vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines and can provide the vaccination certificates. Therefore if you have inoculated with Chinese vaccines, you can check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for information whether you need a PU Letter or not.2. And for some countries, if the applicant is holding a valid Work Permit, but the residence permit had expired after 28 March, 2020, he/she can also apply for a visa without PU invitation letter. The applicant can confirm with the local Chinese Embassy/consulate for detail information.备注:自3月15日起,多个中国驻外使领馆宣布对已接种中国生产新冠疫苗的外籍人员,可凭借相关的疫苗接种证明材料,按照疫情前的要求申请相关来华签证(包括工作人员随行家属,来华探亲、家庭团聚等),详见 “对接种中国生产新冠肺炎疫苗人员赴华提供签证便利的通知”。所以如果外国人在境外已经接种了中国产疫苗,可提前与当地中国使馆确认,可能会免办PU邀请函。另外,如果外国人持有效的《工作许可证》,个别使馆针对2020年3月28日以后过期的工作居留许可,也可以不用提交邀请函,请提前与当地使领馆确认。Q3The applicants have received a Chinese Residence Permit and left China, can they come back to China with current valid Residence Permit?外国人在中国境内已经拿到了有效的居留许可,如果现在出境,还能返回中国吗?A3:Up to date, people holding valid Chinese Residence Permit for work, personal matters and Family reunion can enter China from most countries except coming from Belgium, Italy, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Russia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Canada. Please avoid return to China from those countries.截至目前,如果外国人持三类在中国境内签发的有效工作居留许可(工作、私人事务和团聚类)都可以从大部分国家直接返回中国,除以下这些国家:比利时、意大利、菲律宾、孟加拉、印度、俄罗斯、乌克兰、埃塞俄比亚、尼日利亚、加拿大。请持居留许可的外国人避免从以上国家入境中国。RemarkSince the Chinese embassies/consulates in different countries have their own practices, we suggest you check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for confirmation in ahead.法律依据:《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》 第十二条在中华人民共和国领域内的一切单位和个人,必须接受疾病预防控制机构、医疗机构有关传染病的调查、检验、采集样本、隔离治疗等预防、控制措施,如实提供有关情况。疾病预防控制机构、医疗机构不得泄露涉及个人隐私的有关信息、资料。
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