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  第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23"-'30题,每题l分,共8分)   下面的短文后有2项测试任务: (1)第23——26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择l个小标题; (2)第27——30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。      Ward off Travel Bugs   (1) As the holiday season approaches, so does the prospect of jet lag, an upset stomach or sunburn.   With care and some help fi'om natural sources, however, it is quite possible to avoid these problems.   (2) You can start to prepare a couple of weeks before you leave. Food poisoning will make any holiday miserable, but by taking some medicine such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, you can reduce the likelihood of poisoning caused by food or water tainted (感染,污染) with unfamiliar bacteria.   (3) By improving the bacteria balance in your digestive tract, you crowd out the pathogenic (病原的)bacteria and stop them gaining a foothold. The beneficial bacteria also produce gentle but effective natural antibiotics (抗生素) in yourgut.   (4) In many holiday locations you need to remember the basics: drink bottled water, avoid undercooked meat and ensure that food hygiene (卫生) is adequate. If you get food poisoning,drink plenty of water to stay hydrated(保持水分)and see a doctor. However, if you detect diarrhea(腹泻) early enough, you might like to try taking about 10 or 15 pancreatic digestive enzymes, which can digest the multiplying bacteria before they take over.   (5) Taking a teaspoon of silicol gel can also help. This lines the stomach and upper intestinal area and binds with bacteria and viruses, allowing them to be safely passed out of the gut. When you pack,include grapefit-it-seed extract, which is an excellent all-round anti-bacterial, anti- parasitic,anti-viral (抗毒的) and anti-fungal (杀菌的) agent.   (6) Your flight can also be made more pleasant. Peppermint oil and ginger capsules (胶囊) ward off motion sickness, but a more delicious option is to eat crystallized ginger. If you tend to get ear-ache on take-off and landing, you can use special ear plugs with filler that slows down the rate of change in air pressure.   (7) The greatest concern is "economy class syndrome", the popular name for deep-vein thrombosis (血栓症) , which can lead to blood clots traveling from the legs to the lungs, heart or brain. To reduce this, you need a couple of hours to stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol.   (8) You can also reduce the severity of inflammation by taking a daily gram of vitamin C with the bioflavonoid quercetin. Vitamin C and quercetin also help to reduce prickly heat.   (9) Finally, if any adverse symptoms persist while overseas, you should see a doctor.   23. Paragraph 1 ___________   24. Paragraph 4 ___________   25. Paragraph 5 ___________   26. Paragraph 6 ___________   A. Basics of What to Eat and Drink   B. Medicine Against Bacteria and V'lruses   C. Importance of bacteria balance   D. Basics of Having a Pleasant Flight   E. A Teaspoonful of Helpful Silicol   F. Preparations Against Food Poisoning   27. Food-poisoning may pose a problem ___________ .   28. It is important to drink a lot of water ___________ .   29. Special earplugs can make you feel better ___________ .   30. Don't forget to bring necessary medicine ___________ .   A. when your plane is about to land   B. when you are taking tablets   C. when you suffer from food-poisoning   D. when you are travelling   E. when you are packing for your tour   F. when you are having a cold    答案与解析:   23.B。文章第一段主要讲的是水对人体的重要性。人体约有60%——70%是由水组成的,体温的'调节离不开水,滋养物运行到各器官离不开水,排除废物等亦都离不开水。选项B(水的重要性)概括了本段的大意,为正确选项。   24.D。文章第二段主要讲脱水的征兆,其中包括关节与肌肉的慢性疼痛、腰痛、头痛、便秘、口渴等。选项D(脱水的征兆)概括了本段的大意,为正确选项。   25.A。文章第三段主要讲人体每天所需的基本饮水量以及一些特殊情况下所需的饮水量。选项A(每天需要的用水量)概括了本段的大意,故为正确选项。   26.F。文章第四段主要讲随身携带水瓶及时饮水的必要性。选项F概括了本段的大意,故为正确选项。   27.B。题干:人不能活__________。利用题干关键词live定位到文章的第一段“we cannot live without it”,意思为“我们没有它就活不了”,这里的“它”指的是水,所以B(没有   水)为正确选项。   28.A。脱水就会发生如果缺水__________。利用题干关键词可以定位到文章的第二段,可以得知人体缺水便可产生脱水现象,所以A(在体内)为正确选项。   29.F。身体每天需要的水量与__________有关。利用题干关键词water your body needs per day可以定位到文章第三段,该段指出,“一个比较好的做法就是用英镑来测量你的体重然后将其分成两半,这个数字就是你身体每天需要的水量,以盎司为单位”,由此可知人体每天需饮水量与人的体重有密切关系,所以F“体重”为正确选项。   30.E。不要忘了喝足够的水,甚至__________。利用题干关键词drink enough water可以定位到文章第四段“It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day,but make sure you have water handy at all times”,意为“可能在忙碌的时候保证喝足够的水是困难的,但是要确保手边总是有水”,由此可知E“忙的时候”为正确选项。



  The Value of Tears   Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. They can leave you embarrassed and without energy. However, crying is a fact of life, and tears are very useful. Even when you're not crying, your eyes produce tears. These create a film over the eye's surface. This film contains a substance that protects your eyes against infection.   Tears relieve stress, but we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. "People worry about showing their emotions. They're afraid that once they lose control, they'll never get it back."   explains psychologist Dorothy Rowe. "As children we were sometimes punished for shedding tears or expressing anger. As adults we still fear the consequences of showing emotions."   Almost any emotion--good or bad, happy or sad--can cause tears. Crying is a way that we release built-up emotions. Tears help you when you feel you are ready to explode because of very strong feelings. It may explain why people who are afraid to cry often suffer more heart attacks than people who cry more freely.   When some people become very stressed, however, they can't cry. They may be feeling shock,angel fear, or grief, but they repress (抑制) the emotion. "Everyone has the need to cry," says psychotherapist(精神治疗师)Vera Diamond. Sometimes in therapy sessions, patients participate in crying exercises. They practice crying so that they can get used to expressing emotion. Diamond says it's best to cry in safe, private places, like under the bedcovers or in the car. That's because many people get uncomfortable when others cry in front of them. In fact, they may be repressing   their own need to cry.   In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It's good to hold back tears during a tense business discussion. "But once you are safely behind closed doors, don't just cry,"Diamond says. She suggests that you act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. "And, "she adds," once our tears have released the stress, you can begin to think of logical ways to deal problem."   Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. You should never be afraid to cry.   41. The word "film" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.   A. door   B. point   C. coat   D. level   42. Crying is useful in that it   A. helps you not to explore   B. eases heart attacks   C. makes others comfortable   D. cleans your eyes   43. According to Vera Diamond, crying should be__________.   A. practiced   B. repressed   C. punished   D. done in public   44. What are you expected to do in a tense business discussion?   A. Hold back your tears.   B. Cry in private.   C. Release your stress with tears.   D. Find out the problems.   45. What is the main idea of this passage?   A. How to release your stress.   B. Ways to repress your emotion in public.   C. How to fight tears in a business situation.   D. Importance and necessity of crying.   答案与解析   41.C。词汇题。题干:第一段中的“film”的意思是__________。鉴于职称英语允许考生携带词典,通过查词典可知,film的意思有“电影,胶片,薄层”等意思,根据语境“These create a film over the eye’S surface”可知这里指的是在眼睛表面形成的一层东西,由此推知film在这里是“薄层”的意思,对比四个选项,coat(外套,外层)在语义上与film(薄层)最接近,所以该题答案为C(外套,外层)。   42.D。细节题。题干:哭泣是有用的,因为它__________。利用题干关键词useful可以定位到第一段的.最后几句,可知眼泪是非常有用的,因为它会在眼睛的表明形成一个薄层,并   且眼泪中含有一种物质可以防止眼睛感染,因而有消除不净之物的功能,对比四个选项可知,该题正确答案为D(清洁眼睛)。   43.A。细节题。题干:根据Vera Diamond,哭泣是__________。利用题干关键词Vera Diamond   可以定位到第三段,可知每个人都有哭的需要,在一些治疗过程中,病人都进行哭泣的练习,以便他们由此开始习惯于情感的表达,而且最好在安全的和私人的地方哭泣,避免在人前哭泣的尴尬,由此可以推断出该题的正确答案为A(练习的)。   44.A。细节题。题干:在紧张的商务商谈中,你可以__________。利用题干关键词tense business discussion可以定位到第五段的第二句,可知在紧张的商务商谈中能抑制住哭泣是好的,所以该题答案为A(忍住不流泪)。   45.D。主旨题。题干:这篇文章的大意是什么?从题目the value oftears以及文中的核心高频词汇tear和crying,可知该文谈论的是眼泪的价值;同时,结合每段的段落大意,第一段指出眼泪虽然不好但却是有用的,第二段说明t艮91可以缓解压力(relieve stress),第三段讲哭泣或眼泪可以释放累积的情感(release built—up emotions),第四段说明哭泣是可以练习的(practice),第五段说明有些场合哭泣是不合适的,最后一段提出眼泪是一种情感能力,所以该题答案为D(哭泣的重要性和必要性)。



  在职称英语考试中,阅读理解部分几乎是所有考生通过职称英语考试的“拦路虎”。许多考生在做阅读理解部分,常常觉得时间紧、答案选项迷惑性性大,因而很难及时又准确的选出答案。如何在没有足够时间进行深入阅读或文章太难看不懂的情况下答题呢?下面向大家介绍5种紧急情况下的应试技巧。   通过对历年的阅读理解题,我们发现在所列出的四个选项中也有一些规律可循的。如果考生能够了解并掌握这些规律就可以找到答题时的第六感,达到超常发挥的水平。如果考生来不及看文章,凭下面这些规律可以选出不少正确的选项。   1.答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案。这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very,completely, none, hardly等。   2.选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。   3.选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项。   4.较全面、有针对性地表达文章中心思想的选项一般是答案项。   5.选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。   拓展阅读:2015年职称英语考试词汇选项做题必杀技   职称英语考试的过程中除了掌握一定的知识积累外,还需要掌握一些必要的做题技巧,这有利于我们提高做题效率。下面就看看怎么做职称英语词汇选项题吧。   必杀技:   准备一本正式出版的'英语同义词词典,拿到字典后,用标记纸在每个字母首页进行标记,方便在考试时查阅。具体形式请参看群资料。   教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。   考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。   详解:   职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。   词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教材练习4-6题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共150题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住绝对没有困难;   因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。