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宋小宝出演的小品有很多,全部作品如下: 《烤串》《有钱了》《相亲》《自作自受》《有喜了》《吃面》《三顾茅庐》《公园奇遇》《表白》《你是我的儿》《假戏真做》《第一场雪》《买单》《水浒丫转》《相亲进行曲》《以貌取人》《看病》《人生》《印度男仆》《我们的二人转》《打劫》《星际旅行》《甄嬛后传》《碰瓷》。 《精选太子》《二人转》《山村大夫》《纯爷们儿》《乞丐也难当》《谁打的车气儿》,《我发誓》《玉米情》《疯狂相亲》《一代宗师》《爱的青椒》《看病》《永失我爱》《爱情不外卖》《代驾光临》《买单》《心里有数》《在灿烂阳光下》《回家》《想说爱你不容易》《养小三》《打劫》《自作最受》《第一场雪》《更年期遇上青春期》《送礼容易退礼难》《智斗变态色魔》等等。



2022辽宁春晚宋小宝的小品是《爱你在心口难开》。 《爱你在心口难开》是2022年辽宁春晚的小品,由宋小宝、杨树林、蒋依杉、厉晓贺进行演绎。小品中宋小宝饰演一位热心肠的大叔,为了撮合“爱你在心口难开”的好友杨名与相恋30年的英子成为眷属,可谓是煞费苦心,上演了一场啼笑皆非的媒婆戏码。 宋小宝自黑自嘲,硬充明白人给英子与杨名当帮倒忙的翻译,那种羡慕嫉妒没有恨,好心办错事的尴尬与滑稽,常常令观众捧腹大笑。 宋小宝人物评价 宋小宝为梦想付出了许多努力,成名之后的宋小宝依然很辛苦很努力。表演时不慎从高处跌落,腰部着地造成了腰椎骨折,可是宋小宝仍然坚持演完,甚至在结尾处配合队员大跳印第安舞,敬业精神可见一斑。(腾讯娱乐评) 荧屏上宋小宝总是带给观众乐趣,“海燕,你可得长点心”“自打我进宫以来就独得皇上恩宠”等等经典语句都广为流传。他展现了其与生俱来的艺能感——热情满满,朴实谦逊;随口一说,随意一唱,一个个令人捧腹的包袱便被抖落出来。(搜狐娱乐、腾讯娱乐、赵本山评)



歌词"爱你在心口难开"是那首歌? 我会好好过 你的爱很 像泡沫 太轻或太重 都不在手中 我的爱就像 天空 太放或太收 你都只是风 你来过 却爱上自由 你出走 我不问理由 我会好好过 等你再爱我 总有个角落 会让你想起我 我会好好过 等你再爱我 向右或向左 都有我站在这里守候 你的爱很 像泡沫 太轻或太重 都不在手中 我的爱就像 天空 太放或太收 你都只是风 你来过 却爱上自由 你出走 我不问理由 我会好好过 等你再爱我 总有个角落 会让你想起我 我会好好过 等你再爱我 向右或向左 都有我站在这里守候 你留下很多 够我面对寂寞 寂寞不重 重是爱太多 我会好好过 当你回头 看到的一定 是我 我会好好过 等你再爱我 总有个角落 会让你想起我 我会好好过 等你再爱我 向右或向左 都有我站在这里守候 Over... 爱你在心口难开 歌词 爱你在心口难开 演唱:田震 喔喔耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 喔喔耶耶 一天见不到你来 就好像身边少了什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不答理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 喔喔耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 ---Music--- 喔喔耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 喔喔耶耶 一天见不到你来 就好像身边少了什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不答理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 喔喔耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔喔爱你在心口难开 我爱你在心口难开 我爱你在心口难开 ----End---- :music.baidu./song/10505045 LEO SAYER的爱你在心口难开歌词 woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than i can say woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i'll miss you every single day why must my life be filled with sorrow i love you more than i can say i don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i'll miss you more than i can say why must my life be filled with sorrow i love you more than i can say i don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say woh more than i can say more than i can say 爱你在心口难开李欧赛耶歌词 Song: More Than I Can Say Artist: Leo Sayer Style: Classical Oh oh yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I love you ice as much tomorrow I love you more than I can say Oh oh yeah yeah I'll miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say Don't you know I need you so Tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Oh oh yeah yeah I miss you more that I can say Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say music Don't you know I need you so Please tell me I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Or am I just another guy Oh oh yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I love you ice as much tomorrow I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you ice as much tomorrow Ooh, I love you ice as much tomorrow Ooh, I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you more than I can say Ooh, mmmm end 爱你在心口难开(英文版歌词) who -- who -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than I can say who -- who -- yeah -- yeah I'll miss you every single day why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say I don't you know I need you so oh tell me please I gotta know do you mean to make me cry am I just another guy who -- who -- yeah -- yeah I'll miss you more than I can say why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say I don't you know I need you so oh tell me please I gotta know do you mean to make me cry am I just another guy who -- who -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say who -- who 萧敬腾 爱你在心口难开 歌词 爱你在心口难开 作词:依风 作曲:Pual Anka 原唱:凤飞飞 噢噢耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 噢噢耶耶 一天见不到你来 就好像身边少了什么 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不大理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 噢噢耶耶 我爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 我想你在心口难开 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 我想你在心口难开 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 ps:这是原唱唱的 这是敬腾唱的歌词: 噢噢耶耶 爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 oh oh oh ya~ I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不大理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 oh oh oh ya~ I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++== Don't you know I need you so So tell me please gotta know Do you mean to make me cry? Am I just amother guy? 噢噢耶耶 我爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 噢噢 爱你在心口难开 I love you more than I can say 我爱你在心口难开 爱你在心口难开 〈More than I can say〉 (爱你在心口难开), Leo Sayer是这首红遍全球的原唱者。 Leo Sayer 是活跃于70年代后期和80年代早期的英国歌星,以唱功见长,大家平时听的较多的应该是他的"When I Need You" 和 "More Than I Can Say" More Than I Can Say Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say Oh oh yea yea I miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow Oh love you more than I can say don't you know I need you so Tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say 01 崇拜你 刘力扬 02 忘记你不如失去你 杨培安 03 如果还可以 东来东往 04 下个,路口,见 李宇春 05 映山红 黄英 06 爱不会绝迹 林俊杰 07 漂流瓶(DEMO) 张靓颖 08 征程 王啸坤 09 公路 纵贯线 10 爱爱爱情 庞龙 回答完毕,希望对你的提问有帮助,如果满意请采纳o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 爱你在心口难开的中英版歌词 英文: woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow i love you more than i can say woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i'll miss you every single day why must my life be filled with sorrow i miss you more than i can say oh don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say why must my life be filled with sorrow oh i love you more than i can say oh don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow oh i love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow i'll love you ice as much tomorrow (more than i can say) i love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say 中文: 喔~耶~爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔~喔~爱你在心口难开 喔~耶~一天见不到你来 就好象身边少了什么 喔~喔~爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 喔~耶~爱上你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 喔~喔~爱你在心口难开 我想你在心口难开 爱上你在心口难开



爱在心口难开这首歌中文意思是啥呀? 歌词大意: 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 我对你的爱一天胜似一天。 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 哦,我每天都想着你, 为什么我的生活必须充满著忧愁? 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 你难道不知道我如此需要你吗? 请告诉我,我必须知道。 你是不是有意伤害我? 或者我只不过是你所有追求者中的其中一个而已呢? More Than I Can Say Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say Oh oh yea yea I miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow Oh love you more than I can say don't you know I need you so Tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say 什么电影里有爱你在心口难开这首歌? 有个台湾同名电影你看是不是 片名:爱你在心口难开 导演:张复健 主演:苏有朋 尹小骏 萧颖 张复健 这是电影视讯地址,你看下 :hd.ku6./show/H4ictmiLqoOkEZiR. Rage your dream 这首歌的中文意思是啥? [00:-0.50]Rage Your Dream [00:02.10]我没有留下任何印象 [00:03.58] [00:06.29]这个城市由假象所制造 [00:08.44] [00:10.12]等待你的感动 [00:12.50] [00:13.66]在这可笑的伪装中 [00:16.04] [00:17.21]我要燃烧我的梦 [00:19.05] [00:20.04]by :Initial D [00:45.74]我没有留下任何印象 灰色的感情 [00:49.66]被颜料渲染得太过模糊 整条街道都是假象 [00:53.70]追求着真实 昂首挺胸的你 [00:57.65]热血沸腾到让人无法接近 [01:01.44]感受你的挫折感受你的叫喊 [01:09.40]尝试你的颤抖 连自己都在颤抖 [01:16.83]燃烧你的梦 去超越时间 [01:20.91]风也渐渐被光芒所充满 [01:24.87]燃烧你的梦 仅仅只是等待 [01:28.79]去感受风 请不要忘记 [01:32.86]燃烧你的梦 继续著没有尽头的路 [01:36.77]不会回望爱情与过去 [01:40.73]走下去 你是闪亮的星 [01:44.81]燃烧你的 梦活在现在 [01:48.90] [01:50.02]我自豪的说你获得的是 *** 和强壮 [01:51.98]对 没有别人的介入 [01:53.94]从来没有停止也不想停止 [01:55.69]就算牺牲掉的爱情在哭泣 [01:58.09]向着山顶出发 扫过弯曲的街道 [01:59.55]叭叭!喇叭声如此的轻松 [02:02.21]胆怯的人快把路让开 [02:03.36]我从来没有终止我的梦想 [02:06.40]简单的手势 全是假装 [02:10.38]要是逃离 随处都是安全地带 [02:14.34]得到什么 忘记什么 [02:18.29]就算世界被破坏 也无法改变 [02:22.32]令人不快的呼喊声 谁都无法处理 [02:30.24] *** 的梦 连时空都可以超越 [02:37.70]燃烧你的梦 在风中发出眩目的 [02:41.68]叫喊 和梦想一起 [02:45.73]燃烧你的梦 甚至让心跳停止 [02:49.72]我能感觉到 深深地感觉到 [02:53.66]燃烧你的梦 滑坡黑暗 飞向山顶 [03:01.62]扫除世上冰冷的夜晚 [03:05.58]燃烧你的梦 闯出一条路 [03:09.85]叮当又一圈 从来没有低速 燃烧你的梦 划破黑暗 [03:12.69]用零点一秒击败它 [03:14.57]余韵消失了 奔向下一个城镇 [03:17.10]尘土飞扬 失败者倒地 [03:18.66]满嘴歪理的小子们 [03:20.59]碍手碍脚的 赶快搞清楚 [03:22.51]在跑者离去的街道那边 [03:24.82]他们会明白一些事情 [03:25.99]燃烧你的梦 去超越时间 [03:29.91]风也渐渐被光芒所充满 [03:33.72]燃烧你的梦 仅仅只是等待 [03:37.66]去感受风 请不要忘记 [03:41.73]燃烧你的梦 继续著没有尽头的路 [03:45.67]不会回望爱情与过去 [03:49.74]走下去 你是闪亮的星 [03:53.50]燃烧你的 梦活在现在 [03:56.68] [04:10.89] The Beatles的Help!这首歌中文意思是? 英文歌词: [ti:help!] [ar:the beatles] help, i need somebody, help, not just anybody, help, you know i need someone, help. when i was younger, so much younger than today, i never needed anybody's help in any way. but now these days are gone, i'm not so self assured, now i find i've changed my mind and opened up the doors. help me if you can, i'm feeling down and i do appreciate you being round. help me, get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me. and now my life has changed in oh so many ways, my independence seems to vanish in the haze. but every now and then i feel so insecure, i know that i just need you like i've never done before. help me if you can, i'm feeling down and i do appreciate you being round. help me, get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me. when i was younger, so much younger than today, i never needed anybody's help in any way. but now these daya are gone, i'm not so self assured, now i find i've changed my mind and opened up the doors. help me if you can, i'm feeling down and i do appreciate you being round. help me, get my feet back on the ground, won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.  帮助!我需要有人 帮助!并非人人 帮助!你知道我需要某人 帮助! 我年轻的时候,比现在这么多年轻 我从来没有需要任何人以任何方式帮助 但现在,这些日子已经过去了,我保证不那么自我 甲壳虫乐队的 现在我觉得我已经改变了主意,我已经开启大门, 帮助我,如果你能我的感觉了 我不明白你是圆 请帮助我让我的双脚回到地面 不会请你,请帮助我吗? 现在我的生活已经改变了许多方面哦 我的独立性似乎消失在烟雾 但是,现在每一个,然后我感到不安 我知道,我只需要像我从来没有做过的你 我不明白你是圆 请帮助我让我的双脚回到地面 不会请你,请帮助我吗? 我年轻的时候,比现在这么多年轻 我从来没有需要任何人以任何方式帮助 但现在,这些日子已经过去了,我保证不那么自我 现在我觉得我已经改变了主意,我已经开启大门, 帮助我,如果你能我的感觉了 我不明白你是圆 请帮助我让我的双脚回到地面 不会请你,请帮助我吗? 请帮助我,帮助我 爱你在心口难开这首歌的英文原唱 谁有 不要翻唱的 Leo Sayer - Love You More Than I Can Say :mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Leo+Sayer+Love+You+More+Than+I+Can+Say&lm=-1 歌词: woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than i can say woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i'll miss you every single day why must my life be filled with sorrow i love you more than i can say i don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i'll miss you more than i can say why must my life be filled with sorrow i love you more than i can say i don't you know i need you so oh tell me please i gotta know do you mean to make me cry am i just another guy woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah i love you more than i can say i'll love you ice as much tomorrow love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say i love you more than i can say woh more than i can say more than i can say 《Stay》这首歌中文意思是什么? 我觉得根据歌词的中文翻译就可以看出来了: Stay I''ve must have been blind(我一定是迷失了) Not to see you look away from me(没看到你无视我的存在) Whenever you say "you love me still"(只要你说你仍爱着我) I must have been crazy(我一定是疯了) Not to see you slip away from me(没注意到你从我身边溜走) Day after day there''s a space to fill(日子一天天填补空间) And i can''t find the words,to make you fall in love with me agian(我找不出话语让你重新爱上我) And i can''t find the strength to let you go oh oh(我没有勇气让你走) And when it''s all said and done,you''ll be the only one(当一切即如所说,你将是唯一的一个) Even if there''s nothing left for us to say(即使我们之间没有什么好说的) As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye(就算日头下山我也绝不说再见) Even if we go are separate ways(即使我们行同陌路) In my heart you''ll always stay(在我心间你总停留) Ooh ...ooh~~~~~(哦!!!!!!) Been spending my time(曾多次尝试让你忆起) To try to remind you of our love(我们之间的爱情) But you''re pulling away with every touch(但你总是拒绝每一次的靠近) With all we''ve been though(尽管是我们曾经的所有) I''d never thought i''d be losing you(我从没想过会失去你) And i would give everything to keep you here(我会为你留下而付出一切) But i can''t (but i can''t) find the words to make you fall in love with me again(当我没有语言让你重新爱上我) And i can''t find the strength to let you go oh oh(我没有让你留下的勇气) And when it''s all said and done,you''ll be the only one(当所有的即如所说,你将是唯一) Even if there''s nothing left for us to say (nothing left to say)(即使我们之间没有什么好说的) As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye(就算日头下山我也绝不说再见) Even if we go are separate ways (ooh)(即使我们行同陌路) In my heart you''ll always stay(我仍然相信我们的爱情仍然存在) I,i,i still believe our love meant to be oh(而且会永远存在) And it will be here forever e one day (e,one,day) ooh ohoh(我将等待这一天永远的到来) Can you see? i love you faithfully oh yeh(你知道吗?我依然还很爱着你哦...耶...) And one day i''m telling you i find a way to get back to me ooh(总有一天我会找到一条路把你带回我身边 哦...) And when it''s all said and done,you''ll be the only one (said and done)(当所有的即如所说,你将是唯一) Oooh,nothing left to say(哦..没有什么好说的) As sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye(就算日头下山我也绝不说再见) Even if we go separate ways(即使我们行同陌路) In my heart you''ll always stay(我仍然相信我们的爱情仍然存在) ooh.... ooh..... ooh.... 爱你在心口难开这首歌的英文的名字叫什么. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY like a robot这首歌中文意思是什么 like a robot 像一个机器人 All of me这首歌中文意思是什么 【varsity版本的】 我听到了在收音机里播放的一首悲伤的歌曲 说的是一个女孩爱上一个男孩,但是却从来没有真正表白过 窗外,雨不停的下著 我在里面哭泣,心理渐渐想着今晚就去看你 我知道以前是否有人令你伤心 但是留下令你伤心的片段在你的心底的那个人不是我 但是我站在外面的雨里敲里的门 为他所有的谎言付出代价 我想给你写一首歌高速你我心里是怎么想的,但是我不知道该说些什么,即使是一首交响乐也不能表达你在我心里中的重要性 我该怎么做,才能给你我的全部 当我付出全部却只得到你的一半时,告诉我,你到底期望我做什么 如果我仅仅得到你的一半 如果你只给了我一半 这就是你想要的你不会再次寻找爱情的理由 亲爱的女孩我想要你的爱,你最好的朋友 我该怎样去爱你,如果你从没有让走进你的心里 我要怎么样做菜能证明我对你是真爱 我会一直坚持直到你接受我 直到你意识到我的真爱 看着我的双眼,我永远不会让你感觉到背叛 我不是那个人,我该如何给你我的全部 当我付出全部却只得到你的一半时,告诉我,你到底期望我做什么 如果我仅仅得到你的一半 如果你只给了我一半 我只是情不自禁 我只是情不自禁 女孩,你把我关起来的时间太长了 让我为其他人的罪过付出代价 但是不管爱情如何燃烧 如果不能够回到从前,我需要比这些更多的爱 我该如何给你我的全部呢 当我付出全部却只得到你的一半时,告诉我,你到底期望我做什么 如果我仅仅得到你的一半 如果你只给了我一半 我该怎样给你我的全部 当我得到的仅仅是你的一半 现在你告诉我,你到底期望我怎么做 如果我得到的仅仅是你的一半 这是你要找的那首么?



江玲。 《爱你在心口难开》由依风填词,原唱是香港五六十年代歌手江玲,凤飞飞于1981年重新诠释此曲。该歌曲是来自英文歌曲《More Than I Can Say》。 《More Than I Can Say》是由杰瑞·埃利森(JERRY ALLISON)和桑尼·库尔梯斯(SONNY CURTIS)在上世纪50年代初期创作的,由BOBBY VEE在1960年唱红的,后来由英国男歌手(LEO SAYER)于1980年将之重新诠释。 《爱你在心口难开》歌词 哦… 吔… 爱你在心口难开 我不知道应该说些什么 哦… 爱你在心口难开 哦… 吔… 一天见不到你来 就好像身边少了什么 哦… 爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 哎… 哦… 吔… 我爱你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 哦… 爱你在心口难开 你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不理睬 请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜 哎… 哦… 吔… 我想你在心口难开 我不知应该说些什么 哦… 爱你在心口难开 我想你在心口难开 我爱你在心口难开

爱我在心口难开 叫什么歌?

爱我在心口难开 叫什么歌?

爱我在心口难开 叫什么歌? 《爱你在心口难开》由依风填词,陈志远编曲,在港台地区中文的原唱是凤飞飞。凤飞飞1981年翻唱该歌曲是来自英文歌曲《More Than I Can Say》。 爱你在心口难开?歌名叫什么?, 爱你在心口难开原版叫什么 love you more than I can say 爱他在心口难开 老公,我想你怎么办~~ 爱她在心口难开! 确实难受,觉得如果男生还是最好主动些好 要知道如果你不说的话你一点的机会都没有,说了还有点可能。当年我就是这样才把一生的幸福都给耽误了,把握机会啊! 节日的时候送花吧,花里面夹卡片。但不要盲目,要观察,学会表现,把握机会,祝你得到幸福。对了,人在毅智薄弱的时候比较容易想要得到关心照顾和爱。 <<爱在心口难开>>这道歌的英文版叫什么 more than i can say 列印此页 歌手:J.I. Allison/Sonny Curtis Oh oh yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I love you ice as much tomorrow I love you more than I can say Oh oh yeah yeah I'll miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say Don't you know I need you so Tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Oh oh yeah yeah I miss you more that I can say Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say Don't you know I need you so Please tell me I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Or am I just another guy Oh oh yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I love you ice as much tomorrow I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you more than I can say Ooh, I love you ice as much tomorrow Ooh, I love you ice as much tomorrow Ooh, mmmm 下在地址::mp3.baidu./m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=I+love+you+more+than+I+can+say&lm=-1 歌曲《爱你在心口难开》 《More Than I Can Say》中文译作《爱你在心口难开》, 是杰瑞·埃利森(Jerry Allison)和桑尼·库尔梯斯(Sonny Curtis) 于50年代初期创作,由Bobby Vee 在1961年唱红的, 后来Leo Sayer于1980将之重新诠释。 此曲因此成为80年代恋情男女吐露新生的抒情经典, 1980年分别获得金唱片奖第二名、美国排行榜5周亚军、 抒情榜3周冠军和英国榜亚军单曲。 虽是不同的唱法和编曲配乐,两种版本其实各有千秋, 只是前一版本如今少见就是。港台的凤飞飞,国内的张蔷都曾经翻唱过。 爱你在心口难开 歌词 歌曲名:爱你在心口难开 歌手:群星 专辑:爱的沸点·人声典范 Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I'll miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say I don't you know I need you so Oh tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I'll miss you more than I can say Why must my life be filled with sorrow I love you more than I can say I don't you know I need you so Oh tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Woh -- woh -- yeah -- yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you ice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say Woh more than I can say More than I can say :music.baidu./song/60549571