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Beijing roast duck
Beijing roast duck, Beijing Quanjude roast duck store food, with its ruddy color, entrance crisp, mellow flavor, fat but not greasy features, known as the first Beijing delicious, fame at home and abroad.
Beijing roast duck is locally rare Beijing duck made of, it is one of the world's most high-quality a duck. Legend, the pure Beijing duck breeding, about originated two thousand years ago, because Liao, gold, Yuan emperors frequently in the northern grasslands of hunting, I got this white duck, after artificial rearing, continued, to obtain the fine varieties. Now, Beijing duck has become the world's rare species, renowned overseas.





北京烤鸭用英文表达: Beijing Roast Duck; duck n. 鸭;母鸭;鸭肉; v. 低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见);躲闪;躲避;迅速行进,飞快行走(以免被看见); roast v. 烘,烤,焙(肉等);烘烤,焙,炒(坚果、豆子等); n. 烤肉;户外烧烤野餐;耍笑庆祝会; adj. 烤的;焙的 扩展资料   让我们尝尝北京烤鸭和五星啤酒。   Let me try the roast duck and Five Star beer.   京菜尤以北京烤鸭而闻名。   Beijing cuisine is especially well known for the roast duck.   遇到北京烤鸭总会把自己吃撑。   She gorges herself on Peking duck every chance she gets.   北京烤鸭是这家餐厅的'特色菜。   The Beijing roast duck is a specialty of this restaurant.   介绍了北京烤鸭的历史沿革和加工制作方法。   History and processing technology of Bejing roast duck are specified.



1. 烤成的鸭比生鸭重量减轻1/3左右,色呈枣红,油润发亮,皮脆肉嫩,腴美香醇,处焦里嫩,香气扑鼻.一般成品重2公斤左右,用刀片成柳叶片,以108片为合格,趁热上席,当客片下,下刀快如闪电,片片带皮,令人叹为观止.
Roasted duck than duck weight about 1/3, color is red, shiny bright, crisp skin and tender meat, delicious taste, place Jiao tender, fragrant. The general yield of about 2 kg weight, leaf blade into, with 108 pieces of qualified, while it is hot on the table, when the guest piece, the knife as quick as lightning, patches of skin, it is as the acme of perfection.

2. "北京烤鸭"吃法多样,最适合卷在荷叶饼里或夹在空心芝麻烧饼里吃,并根据个人的爱好加上适当的佐料,如葱段、甜机酱、蒜泥等.喜食甜味的,可加白糖吃,还可根据季节的不同,与以黄瓜条和青萝卜条吃,以清口解腻.片过鸭骨架加白菜或冬瓜熬汤,别具有风味.烤后的凉鸭,连骨剁成0.6厘米宽、4.5厘米长的鸭块,再浇全味汁,亦可作凉菜上席.
" Beijing duck " eat a variety, the most suitable folders or in the hollow sesame eat in the lotus leaf cake, and according to personal preferences with appropriate condiments, such as onion, sweet sauce, garlic and other machine. Eating sweet, can add sugar to eat, can also according to different seasons, with cucumber and green radish to eat, to clear the mouth of greasy. Tablets had duck skeleton with cabbage or wax gourd soup, do not have the flavor. Cold duck roasted, bone cut into 0.6 cm wide, 4.5 cm long duck pieces, and then poured the sauce, as well as the dish on the table.

3. 同学们,今天我给大家介绍的是北京烤鸭.
讲到北京烤鸭,那可是脍炙人口,盛名鼎鼎.吃烤鸭,北京最著名的一家便是前门外的全聚德烤鸭店了,在那儿,每天应市的烤鸭约有百把只,人们吃烤鸭都要在前一二天预定,才能入座. 北京烤鸭味儿好,看相也好.橘黄色的鸭皮里包着外脆内嫩的鸭肉,令人垂涎三尺.裹上葱白、沾上甜酱吃更是满口留香,异常鲜美.
北京烤鸭的做法非常复杂:先要把处理后的鸭子在入炉之前,灌进开水,这样烤鸭子时,鸭子才会熟得快,也会使鸭肉外脆内嫩.接下来就是烤了.鸭子进炉后,先烤鸭子被刀切了的右背侧,使热气从刀口处进入鸭膛,把鸭肚子里的水煮沸.烤了6至7分钟后,当鸭子右背侧的鸭皮烤成橘黄色时,就翻过来,用火烤鸭子的左背侧3至4分钟,然后烤鸭背4至5分钟,接着就照上面的步骤循环地烤,直到鸭肉全部上色成熟为止.这样烤出来的鸭子,鸭皮鲜黄松脆,肉质鲜嫩.这样,烤鸭就做好了. 烤鸭上桌后,有专业的切割员把鸭肉切成薄薄的肉片,包在鸭肉外面的薄饼也讲劲道.吃完鸭子后剩下的鸭架子可以加上嫩豆腐或黄牙白做成汤,鸭油能用来熬蛋,做成布丁似的菜,吃起来也妙不可言.

The classmates, today I give everybody introduction is Beijing roast duck.
Beijing roast duck is one of the famous cuisine is representative of Beijing.
Beijing roast duck, it is win universal praise, fame Ding ding. The roast duck, one of Beijing's most famous home is outside the front door of the Quanjude roast duck restaurant, there should be the duck, about 100 only every day, people eat roast duck are scheduled for the first one or two days, can seat. Beijing roast duck taste good, looks good. Orange duck skin wrapped in crisp outside and tender inside the duck, a drool with envy. Wrapped in white, with sweet sauce to eat is full of fresh, delicious anomaly.
Beijing roast duck is very complex: first put the processed duck in the furnace before, into the boiling water, such as roast duck, the duck will be cooked quickly, also can make the duck crispy outside and tender inside. The next step is to bake. The duck into the oven, bake the right dorsal duck was cut, so that the hot air from the mouth into the chamber to duck, duck belly in boiling water. Bake 6 to 7 minutes, when the dorsal duck right skin duck baked into orange, turned on, the left dorsal roast duck for 3 to 4 minutes, and then roast duck back 4 to 5 minutes, then according to the above steps until the duck cycle baked, all color maturity. This baked duck, duck skin fresh pine crisp, fresh meat. In this way, the roast duck is done. Roast duck on the table, there are professional cutting member of the duck meat cut into thin slices, wrapped in duck out pizza also speak effort. The remaining after eating duck duck shelf can be added to the tender bean curd or yellow teeth white soup, duck oil can be used to boil the egg pudding, made like food, eat it too wonderful for words.
The roast duck is very important. I like the duck with sweet sauce and scallion white to eat, really " slobber DC three thousand feet ."! No wonder Beijing roast duck has " the best in all the land of delicious ", "the capital of food, than a duck, and sunburn. " praise!
Students, after listening to my introduction, you is it right? " Slobber DC three thousand feet "? Then take action as soon as possible, toward the " Beijing duck " to enter.



吃北京烤鸭——Beijing duck;Eat Beijing duck 例句: 1我们一起去吃北京烤鸭吧。 Bill: Let's go and have Beijing Duck. 2吃北京烤鸭的正确方法是什么?看这些表示注意的图片然后写出说明。 What is correct way to eat Beijing Duck? Look at the pictures for ideas and then write instructions. 3木木建议我吃北京烤鸭。 Mumu advised me to eat Beijing Roast Duck. 制作过程 烤鸭是北京和南京的一道特色名菜,属于北京菜或金陵菜,该菜品以色泽红艳,肉质细嫩,味道醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,被誉为“天下美味”而驰名中外,其色泽略黄,柔软淡香,夹卷其他荤素食物食用,为宴席常用菜点,更是家常风味美食